The Day my Dad Made my Life Better

I believe you can do anything you want and you can show great leadership!
I was so frustrated one day because I couldn’t hit the ball. I was practicing for baseball with my Dad, and went to the hitting cages. When I started every time I would swing and miss over and over again it made me so angry. After that all I wanted to do was get in the car and go home. My Dad came up to me and said you can do anything all you have to do is just to try hard and put your mind to it. That next I thought that my dad showed great LEADERSHIP plus led me in a good path.
What I realize now, is that I learned a very good moment that will help me get through later on in life. I am in a lot more sports and other activities because of what my dad has said to me. That saying that day just lead me on a good path, and when my dad was done saying that I was like ya that’s right. Also it made me feel as if I were invincible. To me my dad made my life a whole lot better!
I have used this lesson to make me who I am today. Now I like to try new things and practice to be the best of my ability, and it makes me be thankful for my dad being there for me. Also I already have started many different activities and I am hoping to find new ones and try them to. This one five minute event changed my life completely.
When I look back at this event, I think where would I be if this event were never to happen and now I always think that there is room for improvement and get better at something. To me I think everyone should try something difficult or challenging because it is a good experience to have. This situation made me feel it always won’t be bad because it will get better.
I think you should go out and try that thing that you aren’t really sure if you can do it!


Waukee6 said...

i really like your title and it is a very good story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-)

Jayci M

Waukee6 said...

This is a great baseball story. Nate Vento

Waukee6 said...

What a valuable lesson your learned that day! It is frustrating when things don't come as easy as you'd like them to.

Nice work!
Mrs. Wetzel :)

Unknown said...

Just remember "it's not fun if it's not hard"

Ian C.
(Mr. Goerend's 3/4 English)

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