You should always tell the truth.

I believe that you should tell the truth always.
I was sitting at my desk in 5th grade. I was really bored. I was sitting across from someone that was really mean to me. I was mad at them. So I just started there markers off the table. So when things are going wrong, of course someone goes and tell the teacher. Then the teacher comes over and asks what is happening. My friend that was sitting right next to me lies and said I didn’t do anything. When he says that I didn’t do anything I say that I was pushing the markers off and he get in trouble for lying to the teacher. Then I noticed to tell the truth.
I am always bored when I’m not doing something. I don’t like people who don’t talk to me that much. I wanted to make this person mad. I wanted to keep pushing their markers off the table. Then I learned that was not the right thing to do. Then I learned to tell the truth, and I still do.
How have I used this lesson since, when I made a decision? It helped when I was making a decision and making sure that decision was right. It’s better to have the right decision then making a wrong one and messing it up. I know that every decision has a consequence. So think about it before you do it and make the right decision but it will pay off on the end.
How do I feel about it now? When I look back at this moment I feel very stupid. By not making the right decision, and not thinking before I did it. I should have not done it. Everyone makes mistakes in their life that is why you should make good decisions. That is how I feel about it.
By: Jay Graham


Anonymous said...

It is hard using self-control when you are upset. Thank you for sharing this story.
Mrs. Wetzel :)

Anonymous said...

good job jay! that was the best story ive ever read!!!!!!!!! i believe the same things. thank you for shareing!

Ben k said...

It was very describing

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