Santa Claus

Santa Claus

I believe that life gives you opportunities to show loyalty and be able to keep a secret for someone.
I was in the second grade. I was in the back of the bus for the first time. Usually only the big kids
sit back there. Out came the words “Santa’s not real”. It was almost Christmas. I went home with
fear in my eyes. I asked my mom if Santa was real. Of course she did not want to answer me. All she
said was “I don’t know”. She said it over and over again.
My mom did not know what to say. Then she finally came out with the truth. She told me not to
Tell my sister. She asked me, “Who told you this?” “Some kids on the bus”, I whispered. My sister was
in the room so I had to keep this secret for my mom.
Now it was a few days till Christmas break. I thought to myself, I need to keep this information
from my sister. I promised my mom I wouldn’t tell her until she was eighteen years old. One thing I had
to worry about was the kids on the bus. I had a lot of pressure to keep my sister from finding out. My
mom was counting on me! Argh! This will be hard work but I was willing to do this for my mom.
When I look back on the event I know that I have to keep this secret. Now only one more day
until Christmas break and she still doesn’t know. It is hard to keep my promise with all of the older kids
on the bus. But no matter what it will be my mission to keep the magic of Santa alive for my sister.
It is my job as the big brother to keep this secret safe!


Ms.Schmitt said...

We all just want someone to believe in!

Waukee6 said...

that is nice that you still want to keep the magic of santa stay alive for your sister!!:-)

Jayci M

Waukee6 said...

You are doing a very noble thing-- Christmas is magic!

Thank you for writing.

Mrs. Wetzel :)

Anonymous said...

It must have been really hard to keep that secret Cameron J.

Anonymous said...

your right it is really hard to keep that secret away from younger people

Anonymous said...

it is very chalenging to keep secrets. its very nice to here that you are keeping santa alive for your sister!i will agree its hard to keep secrets from younger peole.
thanks for writing!,
MaKayla .O

Brett H said...

When I was 5 years old my sister told me Santa Claus wasn't real because I was like "Mommy whens Santa gonna come" and my sister was like Santa isn't real you little freak.

Anonymous said...


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