My First Puppy!

I believe if you never give up hope in the end it will have a big affect.

As we pulled in to Arbys my jaw dropped in awe. My dream is coming true. I’ve been asking for a puppy for months ,but my dads always said no. Also he would say we cant afford it right now. So it was an early out day when we were supposed to go to hickory park. When my dad passed the exit I was suspicious. So when we pulled into arbys and my dad was on the phone I was excited. Then when I got out of the car there was a trunk full of schnauzer puppies. I was so ecstatic. I just couldn’t decide but I picked the calmest one. I figured out that when I got a puppy to never give up hope. My dad proved that.

I found out never to give up hope if you want it to come true. The day I got my puppy I learned my family loves me and that I should never give up hope. When I got my puppy I felt ver over whelmed. I didn’t know how I would have time to play with her with softball going on. But when my dad agreed to get one though I was very surprised. I was so happy he gave in but I wish he could have told me what was going on.

I’ve used this experience to keep hope for what I hope for. It made me realize my dad was willing to spend the money on that but it was my birthday present. I know that anything comes true as long as you work hard to achieve it. I now know I can trust my dad and keep hope at the same time.

When I think back at this event, I look at how I could have not begged and pleaded. I think that there is a time when enough should be enough. There are also times when you say yes and there is also times where you should say no. as a dad he should of made sure it was the right time and if we could afford it. I will always remember how guilty I felt but I know he loves me.

I can see now how loving and willing my family is or how they do that stuff for me. Will it always be that way?


I believe that when someone does something wrong, they should always tell the truth, even if there is consequences.
I sat my baby sister on the dresser an looked at the new haircut I just gave her. It all started with me wanting to be just like my mom, a hair cutter. So a day when my mom was gone, she left Emily, who was reading, in charge. I felt like it was the perfect opportunity. My baby sister, Haley, had just grown in some hair so it was just right. I took the scissors out from my bag, and I started cutting. I thought it looked good, but it looked horrible. When my mom got home and saw Emily reading, she thought everything was fine, but when she saw Haley, she freaked! I lied and told her everything was not my fault, but she knew better and I got in huge trouble.
What I realize now is that lying doesn't make it better, it only makes matters worse. When this happened, I was terrified of what was going to happen, because I knew I was in trouble. But at the same time I was glad that my mom knows me well enough to know when I'm telling the truth or not. Plus I'm disappointed in myself. When this happened I learned that a lie is like a mask, what's inside it is the truth.
I have used this lesson since to help my life by trying my best not to lie. It helped me listen and also be more honest. This makes me think of the consequences before acting. This also helped me figure out that you don't have to go overboard on everything. If you have a goal, just take it little steps at a time, but don't do it all at once.
When I think of this event now, I realize how funny and dumb it really was. It really wasn't that big of a deal. I think I was dumb because I shouldn't have been scared of telling the truth, but I should have been scared of lying. Although not everything can be a win-win situation, there always a better side, the truth.
Being honest is a big part of life so you have to learn it in order to be successful.

Believe You Can Achieve

I believe that in everyone’s life there is a time where something doesn’t go your way, but you should just shake it off and try harder.
In a split second it happened, the ball was in the catcher’s glove and I was out. I had been in a baseball game. It was the 9th inning and I had just been struck out. The game was basically over. I felt terrible. My team lost hope and so did I. After the game, I told my dad about my desire to get better. My dad recommended that we go to Strike Zone, which is a batting cage athletic club. Now I was dedicated. I was practicing at Strike Zone every day and progressing fast. When it came time for the next game and it was my turn at bat, I was ready. When the pitch came across the plate, the crack of the bat sounded out into the field. I had drove the ball out into center field. Two runs scored and the game was ours.
Something I learned from this event is that you learn from your mistakes. When I think about feelings that were a part of this event, the first ones that come to my mind are sorrow and joy. The sorrow that I felt when I struck out and we lost and the joy that came from hitting the ball and winning. Whenever I rethink this event, I realize just how big of a help my dad was to me. He was with me all the time supporting and helping me through it. Not only was I feeling the joy of becoming better, but my dad and fellow teammates did as well.
Now when I reflect back to this event, I realize that through dedication I impacted myself in many different ways as well. As a result of that event, I had also become a better person by becoming more confident. Throughout this time in my life, I realized that my dad was always there for me whether it was at practice, Strike Zone, or at a game. He was there encouraging me and telling me how to do something better. One important lesson I learned was that a person should never give up. By thinking of the positive things and not the negative things you will keep getting better and better. When I really think hard about this event I am certain that without it happening to me, a lot of other things would not have been possible.
The way I look at failure has changed as a result of that day. Something everyone should realize is that at some point in their lives, things are not going to go as they had hoped or planned. You just have to look for that golden opportunity to prove yourself. I never really realized until after my event just how lucky I was to have a dad who was always there helping and encouraging me. No matter how old I am, I will always remember that.
In everyone’s life, there is a time where something doesn’t go your way. You should just shake it off and try harder. What will you choose?

The content lying

I have learned that if you the truth you won’t get in as much trouble. But if you lie you will get in twice the trouble.
The lesson I learned is that telling the truth is best. I lied a lot to too many people. After you’re caught lying you will feel sorry, just like me.
This made me feel very bad, sad, sorry, and I regret what I did. I feel bad because I know that I hurt lots of people. I feel regret because I regret what I did and I regret my actions. I feel sorry for the people that I lied to.
I still feel the way I did when this all started. When you get caught lying is like getting caught in web of lies. It is not very fun. I have done that and it did not go well.
I feel the way I did when it all started. I did not think about what would happen. So everything went down hill. I still feel bad, sad, sorry, and regret.
Tell the truth and you might get in trouble, you might not but telling the truth is better than lying about it and less trouble you will be in.


This I Believe

I feel like being a leader is very important in a day to day life.
Have you ever felt like you hurt someone because you probably did hurt someone with out you knowing? Well when it happened to me it was when I was playing outside with my friends. Now since there a terrible bully that’s an eighth grader, so everyone told and got him in trouble so he never came back. So I had to do my responsibilities and be the new leader and I made it so fun. The bad thing is that I some what hurt a kid much smaller then me in football.
What I learned from being a bad leader, is to always be a good leader or never be one at all. Be sure to always have a reason to be the leader. If you don’t most likely they will dislike you. So I was in a not so good situation to be in at the time, so I kind of lied to my parents about me hurting the kid. Of course they figured out about it. So I got my phone taken away.
When I make decisions about lying I will remember this moment vividly. So now since I don’t want to get in trouble any more I will remember to play less aggressive with younger kids. When and if this happens to me again I will be truthful to my parents. Now when it upholds my life I will remember it.
When I hurt my friend it was the sadist part because he’s my best friend. There’s a time and a place for everything and to be easier on littler kids. There is never a time to lie. Since we were playing in my yard I want them to feel safe in my own yard. If you try to be what your not do it in a nice/good way.
I think everyone should do what they think is write to do in there minds.


I believe that honesty is very important life. Honesty is always better than lying.
I paced back and forth in my room. I didn’t know why I was sent to my room, yet I got sent to my room. So that must mean that lying is not good and is very bad. When I got home from school my parents asked me how my day was and I lied and said it was good. They got an email from my teacher saying I did not have a very good day. So I got sent to my room.
I realize now that honesty is always better than lying. Telling the truth never fails, nor does honesty. Back then I didn’t know that lying was a really bad thing and that I never should lie. I know feel ashamed that I didn’t quite now that lying was never a good thing.
I have used this lesson to be who I am today. This lesson made me think twice before I ever lie. It made me appreciate truth, and honesty a lot more than I ever used to.
Also that small things are also important. It’s amazing to me that such a small thing changed who I am today.
When I think back know I feel embarrassed that such a small thing taught me such a big lesson. I now know that lessons come at any time and anywhere. Also that sooner or later your going to have to learn a lesson. Either at a small event or time or a big event or time. An event doesn’t have doesn’t have to be big to teach you something big or valuable in life. Even though now I am embarrassed it really helped me.
My conclusion to this is that even the smallest things are important.

-Lucas Waage

The scary ride

This I believe
I believe that in life you should have confidence in your self, and help someone that doesn’t. Me and my family were at the Mall of America, and we were headed tot a ride I was scared to ride. The ride was big and scary. After seeing people scream on that ride, I asked my dad to ride with me. He said yes. That day my dad gave me confidence and made me feel invincible. I felt like he was a hero.
I learned that if I am scared to ride something I should try it but if it is to scary then I should ask someone to ride with me. Now I feel like a dork and a baby for riding that ride with my dad. Now I realize that if I want to be a dork and a baby then I would want to ride on a ride with someone. There is a certain point in life that you will get scared of something and then you would want someone’s help. I was scared to death when I noticed that we were headed to a scary ride. When my dad said he would ride with me, because he saw the fear in my eyes. I felt invincible! If my dad hadn’t rode with me I would have screamed until the ride was over and I would have never wanted to ride another ride again.
I have used this lesson to help me be a strong person, and also made me help myself get more confidence in myself. After my dad rode that ride with me it kind of made me feel invincible! I felt kind of glad that my dad was with me when we were riding that ride. From now and on I will always remember back to that day and think of what would have happened if my dad wasn’t there that day.
When I think back to that event, I can notice that I feel invincible, and not as scared as I was when I saw that ride. Just remember that you probably have something that you are scared of. There is a chance that one day you see that someone needs help, but you don’t want to help. But then you think back in you life and think about the times someone has helped you, then you would probably want to help them. If I want to be a real person then I would want to help people who need help. This event in my life reminded me that I should take care of myself, but if someone needs help I should help.
So if you want to be a nice caring person then help someone that needs help and make a difference in someone’s life.

By: Sri Akkina


By: Taylor Gates

My stomach was rumbling like thunder, pounding to get some food. I wanted something sweet like no other, a banana Laffy Taffy! That day I also wanted revenge. Just then, I realized I would blame my sister, Tara! I tried to find something sturdy to stand on so I could get the good, sugary stuff. The day I showed knowledge, and lied, I realized it is always better to tell the truth!

What I realize now is that I learned the hard way back then! I noticed that it is WAY better to tell the truth than to tell a lie. You will get in bigger trouble if you don’t tell the truth than if you do. Especially, if even with the stool I used to reach the good stuff, Tara still couldn’t reach it! When I noticed how Tara got in trouble, I was a nervous wreck! When I finally told the truth, it made me feel much better in many ways. I was relieved to get it out of the way, and not have to worry about it. There was still one thing I had stuck in my head; I blamed Tara for something she didn’t do. You can also remember this, nobody’s perfect!

I noticed, if I want some candy, it is way more convenient to ask my parents instead of getting in trouble. Rather than telling a lie, and not telling the truth, a lie will get you in bigger trouble and you wil have more consequences. It makes me think twice in times like that. I never wanted to get in trouble. All I wanted was to be a goody goody but that’s not always the right answer. I am surprised that one little lie affected my way of life. Now, I want to tell the truth all the time!

Today, I feel really bad that I blamed Tara for something she wasn’t even a part of. I lied about two things, 1. I said Tara did take that “ rotten candy.” 2. I said I didn’t eat that sugary goodness. Tara also tried to convince my parents it wasn’t her but back then she was kind of a troublemaker! I kept saying, “ No, I didn’t take it. Tara took it!” That disgraceful sentence only a liar would say.

This situation has reminded me of most of the lies I have said. It has taught me that if you do something bad and lie about it than tell the truth, you will get in a lot more trouble then if you told the truth! That was my story about when I showed knowledge!

You should always tell the truth.

I believe that you should tell the truth always.
I was sitting at my desk in 5th grade. I was really bored. I was sitting across from someone that was really mean to me. I was mad at them. So I just started there markers off the table. So when things are going wrong, of course someone goes and tell the teacher. Then the teacher comes over and asks what is happening. My friend that was sitting right next to me lies and said I didn’t do anything. When he says that I didn’t do anything I say that I was pushing the markers off and he get in trouble for lying to the teacher. Then I noticed to tell the truth.
I am always bored when I’m not doing something. I don’t like people who don’t talk to me that much. I wanted to make this person mad. I wanted to keep pushing their markers off the table. Then I learned that was not the right thing to do. Then I learned to tell the truth, and I still do.
How have I used this lesson since, when I made a decision? It helped when I was making a decision and making sure that decision was right. It’s better to have the right decision then making a wrong one and messing it up. I know that every decision has a consequence. So think about it before you do it and make the right decision but it will pay off on the end.
How do I feel about it now? When I look back at this moment I feel very stupid. By not making the right decision, and not thinking before I did it. I should have not done it. Everyone makes mistakes in their life that is why you should make good decisions. That is how I feel about it.
By: Jay Graham

The Time I Lied

I believe that honesty is the best way to go and that you should NEVER lie because it will come back to get YOU. So here is a story about me and how I learned about honesty.

I was sooo scared because my dad was going to clean where I hid IT. For the past two weeks I have been drinking pop when my dad said DON’T DRINK THE POP!!! Anyway I drank the pop. One day we were cleaning and my dad started to clean near where I hid IT. My dad found the hidden empty pop cans and I was sooo scared. Then I realize honesty is the best way to go.

From this experience I learned that honesty is the best way to go. I felt really, really, really DUMB!!! I knew it was wrong, but I just did it. My dad somewhat understand, but I still got in trouble. I now I know NOT to lie.

Honesty is the best way to go. I have learned that when you lie it comes back to get you. After this experience when I’m about to do something wrong I think about it and see if it is right and of course its not. So I don’t do it.

When I look back at it now I see it was wrong and don’t know how I was so dumb to do it. After this event I don’t lie as much. I will tell you DON’T LIE and DO what your suppose to.

The Toy

I believe that everyone should have respect for other people and their property.

I couldn’t believe my eyes, the toy was a masterpiece. It was a nice day outside and I was playing with my friend. I got an idea that I regret doing today. My friend warned me but I didn’t listen to him.

My Mom had dropped me off at my preschool. My friend and I went outside to play. While we were on the swing set, my eye got hooked on a toy that a boy had and it was the best I ever saw. So, my friend and I thought it was okay to just take the toy from the boy. We went over and took the toy. But, we got caught in the act of taking the toy and the boy started to cry. He wanted to have his toy back, so I gave it to him. But, my friend and I still got in trouble.

I learned that even though you want something and it is someone else’s property and not yours, you don’t have the right to take it or steal it. I know it is wrong to take anything that is not mine. The lessons to be learned from this disaster are to respect other people and their property, don’t steal and know that there will be a punishment if you do.

Something’s to remember before you hurt someone by taking their property are friends are great to have when you are sad or mad. You can tell them anything but by being disrespectful you can ruin your reputation. Stealing is not good and it will only make matters worse. I need to remember that it will take a long time to build the trust back up with my friend after I have hurt them. So, think before you do something and don’t do anything you will regret.

When I felt disloyal

This I believe
I believe that life presents you with lots of chances to stay loyal to what you believe in ,so stay loyal to what you believe in.

Giant wails spurt out, tears streamed down my face. I thought I had let down my team down, and the game was about to start. My ear started to throb and they turned bright red. My coach told me to go calm down, and come back when I was ready to play. I realized that my coach and team cared how I felt . At that moment I realized how much softball meant to me.

What I realize now, that staying loyal to something ,if you believe in you dream ,it can really happen! Something I realized then, believing in yourself is important. Right as I stepped into my mom’s car, I had a sense of reassurance that I was going to be ok. I had kept my promise to stay loyal to my softball team. I realized at that moment ,that staying loyal to something you believe or someone , is very important.

I have used this since in making decisions on how to stay loyal and not let people down. It made me see how much loyalty means to me. It made me appreciate my coaches , teammates, but most of all my friends and family. I learned that everything has a solution ,you just have to look for it. I learned that everything may seem like gray skies ,but you can always find good in everything .

When I look back at this event, I see that I showed how much loyalty, care, and respect for softball I have. When I look back at this event, I see how much everything in my life means to me. There are times when you need to keep at something no matter how hard it gets. As kid we need to stay true to what we believe in. This time it reminded me that, life presents you with opportunities to stick with thing you believe in.

Everyday of your life you can simply scoring a point by getting to home plate or telling someone you care. So stay true to what you believe in and always know that if you put your mind to something you can make it come true.

 By-Corey Montes

Broken heart and arm!

I believe that life gives you opportunities to have faith and believing that everything is going to be okay.

Scared and felt lonely waiting those 10 hours in the hospital was heart breaking. I just thought if she is taking this long then things are NOT OKAY. I started getting scared think if something goes wrong then I could loose my sister forever. At the end of the surgery, I found out that she was fine, but it was not for me. I found out not everything goes your way.

What I realize now is that everything goes your way all the time. There is always a time when something goes wrong. When I realized that, I was okay with it. When I was waiting in the hospital then it struck me. I realized all that had happened that day and knew that nothing went right. I felt happy but sad I was happy because I had learned something that day, but sad for my sister.

This lesson helped me become the person I am today. It made me feel smarter that things are not always going to go your way. There is a path that either what you want as your goal or there is a path that you totally throw your goal away for something you want at this moment. Some things some simple things will make you a better person each day. You never want to throw your goal away but if you do gain it back up again.

When I look back on this experience and know that, it really affected me in many ways. There is a time where you will not get your way or will not know what is happening, and there is always going to be a time where you feel alone, sad, or mad. As a student, daughter, and sister it made me feel more confident and smart about my choices. This experience has thought me how important it is to my family and me, and how sometimes they do not get there way either.

Each day I have a chance to make a difference in my attitude and life. Will you get that experience?

I tried to indent but it wouldn't go!

This I Believe

This I Believe

I believe that life is all about making choices and being honest; so don’t lie to others.

My heart was jumping up and down with fear as I was thinking if I should tell the truth or just lie. I had been waiting a week for my friend, Tom and I to have a soccer tournament. Now, we couldn’t do it, because it was raining. I decided that my friend and I were going to play inside soccer. Surprisingly, the first kick of the game hit my mom’s plates. My parents came rushing down the stairs to see what happened. When they saw what happened they were mad. They asked what happened and I lied and told them that the plates just fell.

They knew I was lying so they grounded me. I knew then I had to tell the truth. When I told them what Tom and I did, they were happy and I was surprised. I know now that if I tell the truth I won’t get into as much trouble, so I always try to be honest.

What I realize now is that I learned a valuable lesson that day facing the fears of telling the truth. I learned that it is always better to tell the truth than to lie, except for some special occasions. When I broke the plates, I was terrified and I thought I was going get in big trouble, so then I felt like I had to lie. When I finally decided to tell the truth my parents were happy and of course I was confused. I didn’t feel the joy of telling the truth but you can’t get away with any lies.

I have used this lesson to help me make me the person I am today. It showed me that it isn’t wrong to tell the truth, and it won’t be as bad if you get in trouble. It makes me tell the truth all the time. It also makes me think before I make decisions. It just amazes me how one thing can change your whole life.

When I looked back at this event, I think how after that moment it changed my life. There is always a time when you have to learn the hard way, and there is also a time and place to show honesty and respect to your parents. As for now, I should know that I should always be telling the truth to my parents because then they will have faith in you. The situation shows me that you should always tell the truth. Every day of your life you have just one chance to do the right thing and if you don’t, you will have to face the consequences and the fact that you will not be trusted.

Santa Claus

Santa Claus

I believe that life gives you opportunities to show loyalty and be able to keep a secret for someone.
I was in the second grade. I was in the back of the bus for the first time. Usually only the big kids
sit back there. Out came the words “Santa’s not real”. It was almost Christmas. I went home with
fear in my eyes. I asked my mom if Santa was real. Of course she did not want to answer me. All she
said was “I don’t know”. She said it over and over again.
My mom did not know what to say. Then she finally came out with the truth. She told me not to
Tell my sister. She asked me, “Who told you this?” “Some kids on the bus”, I whispered. My sister was
in the room so I had to keep this secret for my mom.
Now it was a few days till Christmas break. I thought to myself, I need to keep this information
from my sister. I promised my mom I wouldn’t tell her until she was eighteen years old. One thing I had
to worry about was the kids on the bus. I had a lot of pressure to keep my sister from finding out. My
mom was counting on me! Argh! This will be hard work but I was willing to do this for my mom.
When I look back on the event I know that I have to keep this secret. Now only one more day
until Christmas break and she still doesn’t know. It is hard to keep my promise with all of the older kids
on the bus. But no matter what it will be my mission to keep the magic of Santa alive for my sister.
It is my job as the big brother to keep this secret safe!

My T.I.B.

Santa by: Ethan Grote
I think that success is an important part of life, and a learning experience
I was relaxed on my couch talking with my parents. I told them I saw them putting presents under the tree (even though I didn’t). As soon as the words came out of my mouth they shushed me. I knew then the truth, and I was successful in getting it.
From that moment on I have had a taste of success. I had finally gotten it out of them. They were finally being honest with me. I loved success from then on, and I felt so good I was hyper the rest of the day.
I use this skill a lot when making decisions. I always remember how well that felt. It made me so happy I could have exploded. It was amazing that they thought I was old enough, and from then on I always make the decision that will get me success.
When I look back at this I think about winning. Winning is a rare thing to come by. So cherish it when you get to. Bragging is now ok, but it’s ok to celebrate. I was a winner in that moment. I cherished it. It is important to cherish every moment of victory you get.

Siblings are Loving

This I believe…

   I believe in hope, respect, indomitable spirit, and caring. The biggest one that I follow and that never runs out of is LOVE.

   I always thought that cutting hair would be fun when I was little; but I was eight, with a poodle dog, with scissors, what could go wrong? I started to just cut little bits when I heard my brother with his music blearing coming upstairs. Later that day he found it in a very bad hiding spot. I apologized many times while trying to blink back tears he patted me on the head. He wasn’t mad, and he forgave me. At first I didn’t get, but afterwards I had it, I was younger and still learning, these moments, he showed his brightest colors.

   This has taught me very much. It helped me understand that if you tell the truth it will lighten you’re punishment or even make it just a memory; however you still did the crime and maybe you should still have a little bit of the punishment ‘easier said than done.’ It helped me understand my brother as well, as a very caring person, and loving to his little sister. I find this a very useful lesson in many ways.

   My feelings were very strong. I felt carefree at first; but also not thinking at the same time. Once I realized what I had down once looking down at the little bits and pieces in my hand I grew red with tension, and I was very ashamed as well. I knew better and I still dared to do it, when I remember those moments I feel ashamed to remember the dog but I also laugh. It helped me learn how caring and loving my brother was. It always affects me in a positive way every time I remember this.

   Everything about this affects me in a positive way and makes me smile. I shall never forget this.

I Believe

I Believe

By Ben K.

     I believe that life isn’t always fair and sometimes you just have to deal with it. I was surprised and angry when my dad said I couldn’t go to the movie and my brother could. He said that my brother was older and more mature, so he could do more than me. My brother was going with his friends so I told my dad I was going to go a different time. Even though my dad said I couldn’t go until I was older I was still determined. I learned that life isn’t always fair and you just have to deal with it. I was angry and frustrated with my dad about not letting me go, but I know that life isn’t always fair and I can’t do anything about it. I also know that because my brother is older he is allowed to do more stuff than I can. I am still mad at my dad for not letting me go, but I learned a lesson.
     I have used this lesson a lot while making decisions. One thing I learned is that I can’t plan to do things just because someone else can. Another thing I learned was that I have to make a backup plan if I can’t do something I want. The final thing I learned was that I should not get excited and should not get ready for things until I know I can do them. I didn’t like that I couldn’t do to the movie, but it helped me in a way.
     Although I still feel mad about it, this experience has taught me a lot. I am still mad that I couldn’t go to the movie, but I hope I can get it for Christmas. Not being able to go has helped me understand that life isn’t always fair even though I didn’t like it. I know that because my brother is older he can do more, but I can do more than my sister. In a way this was a double-edged sword because I didn’t get to see the movie but I learned that life isn’t always fair.
     Every day there are unfair times, but you have to deal with them and understand it is not just you – everyone has unfair times.

This i Believe

I believe that god made the world for opportunities, and with love, self control, and respect.

What? Why are you moving Devonte? I'm not, I was joking. Why would you joke about that Devonte. I'm sorry I'll probably regret saying that to you Cody. He showed me self control on his fillings until he said he hates me, and he ran off.

What I realize now is that I learned a powerful lesson today. When I lied to my friend I knew I was going to regret it and I did regret saying it. So I ran inside moping around the house and suddenly i get struck with an idea. I was going to write a letter, and after i wrote the letter I was depresed that afternoon.

I have used this lesson to help mold the person who I am today at this moment. It made me who I am today becuase I never lie like that to a friend no more unless he knows I'm joking. It made me sad that day when I joked around like that to one of my best friends and now he will never talk to me.There is a silver lining that you can't cross or you will end up saying something you dont mean. There is a line that you can't cross becuase you will end up turning into a diffrent person.

When I look back at this event I think about, it had changed me from the inside out. There is a time where you can joke around about something, but there is also a time and place that you can not joke around with a friend. This has changed me alot since then.

This I Believe Essay

I believe honesty is the most important quality.

I was crushed and Santa wasn’t real. I was 6 and or 7 when I found out about this lie! I was bouncing chanting “Santa! Santa! Santa!” That’s when my older cousin walked up and said “Santa’s not real MaKayla.” She had officially crushed my winter spirit. Then later on I forgave her and realized she right to tell me.
I honestly think your parents don’t lie to hurt you, but to protect you. There are times when the truth must be told. When Rachel told the truth I may have been mad at first. She was right though. When my parents confirmed it I have to admit I was sad. In the end it all blew over.
I used this lesson to learn not everyone tells the truth. I have learned to be more honest. We all know that we will learn sooner or later. There for I’m happy to know the truth.

When I remember this event I’m happy Rachel told me. Its good to know the truth. People (I believe any ways) should always tell the truth. Santa will always be with me in my heart! This reminds me everyday to be honest.
Honesty is the most important quality!

The Day my Dad Made my Life Better

I believe you can do anything you want and you can show great leadership!
I was so frustrated one day because I couldn’t hit the ball. I was practicing for baseball with my Dad, and went to the hitting cages. When I started every time I would swing and miss over and over again it made me so angry. After that all I wanted to do was get in the car and go home. My Dad came up to me and said you can do anything all you have to do is just to try hard and put your mind to it. That next I thought that my dad showed great LEADERSHIP plus led me in a good path.
What I realize now, is that I learned a very good moment that will help me get through later on in life. I am in a lot more sports and other activities because of what my dad has said to me. That saying that day just lead me on a good path, and when my dad was done saying that I was like ya that’s right. Also it made me feel as if I were invincible. To me my dad made my life a whole lot better!
I have used this lesson to make me who I am today. Now I like to try new things and practice to be the best of my ability, and it makes me be thankful for my dad being there for me. Also I already have started many different activities and I am hoping to find new ones and try them to. This one five minute event changed my life completely.
When I look back at this event, I think where would I be if this event were never to happen and now I always think that there is room for improvement and get better at something. To me I think everyone should try something difficult or challenging because it is a good experience to have. This situation made me feel it always won’t be bad because it will get better.
I think you should go out and try that thing that you aren’t really sure if you can do it!

Being Aware

I belive that if everyone helped charity our world would change.
My face was filled with glee as I learned that I could help parents that couldn’t afford presents for there young, for Christmas. Those people that stand outside of busy places and ring bells are collecting money for people that don’t have much money or sometimes they have no money. I was so happy I could change lives that me and my mom donated. From then on we have donated every time we have some money and have time to stop.
What I realized now is that I need to be more aware of my surroundings. You will never know if something is there if your not aware. Now I know to be more aware of things around me. I’m glade that my mom told me about the donations, and now I know.
My parents have probably learned this lesson in life because they are always on the look out. Now I know my parents are for sure there if I have questions because my mom really explained what donating meant to other people. Just like my mom in everyone you meet there is a knowledge side. Donating really gives a helpful hand if you, and your family donate for good causes.
When I think about learning I could help I compare it to life now, and it makes me feel good that my family and I have donated to good causes. It feels great to donate. Knowing there are always places to donate you can donate simply. And the best part is you don’t have to donate much every dollar helps.
If we all helped the power of charity we could change our world.

This I Believe Essay

I believe that life can aggressive and be hurt sometimes. But that is why I wrote this story. Enjoy!
My friends and I were outside bored and had nothing to do. We sat out there for awhile until one of my friends said we should play doge ball. And we all thought his idea was ok so we spent hours trying to find some doge balls.
Until, somehow we started throwing rocks at each other. And this is how it happened…. One of my friends was up stairs in his room trying to find some doge balls. And I found a piece of pizza (his room is a total mess) so I decided to throw the piece of pizza at him so he threw his used boxers at me so we chased each other out of the house throwing stuff at each other and started throwing rocks.
And finally when I got home I tried and sneak myself upstairs to make sure my mom wouldn’t notice that I was getting mud all over the house. But as soon as I got up stairs my mom walked out of her room noticing my mud tracks I had left. And to my surprise she didn’t start yelling she just grounded me for a week.
And from now on then I am going to make sure that when my friends and I want to something I’m going to make sure its not going to give anyone amnesia or a concussion.
I believe that you can have fun with your ideas but make sure that you know what you are doing. And if you do make sure it doesn’t give you brain damage or any broken bones.

This I Believe

This I Believe
I believe that learning life isn’t fair is important. We would argue a lot more if people didn’t know that.

I was crying into my mom’s arms during the funeral, and I protested. “It’s not fair grandma is dead”. I kept pelting her with my “unfair speech” until she said that life isn’t fair. I was so sad I was angry actually. Defeat and disappointment surged through me. I learned that life isn’t fair. That day I learned a valuable lesson.

Now I know a lesson has been learned. Life isn’t fair and it never will be. Learning life isn’t fair is very important, but respect is also key. I was so sad my grandma died. Everyone else in my family felt the same.

The lesson I learned is a part of who I am, but also a part of others. I use this lesson lots of times. It could also be used on any given day. Other people can teach other people this lesson too.

I feel like that was probably one of the most important lessons of all. Everyone should learn this lesson. Many people could not live the same without it. I feel right now that I should be flexible if things don’t go my way, yet it is hard to be like that.

When you don’t get what you want, let it fly. I learned that in the lesson above.

The Day I Was the Bat

This I believe

I believe without love we’d be a lost cause.
One day I was playing baseball with my friends Ben, Nick and Zach, and it was a normal day outside until …….
Zach was up to bat, so it took a day for him to hit the ball. But at the time he was only 7. Then he hit the ball. WHOA! then he flung the bat back right into my face. WHOA! He was using a metal bat too so that doesn’t work together very well (DUH) so I start running at him like a terrorist with a bomb. Then I see blood all over my hand after I take it of where I got hit. Everyone was going crazy. But eventually I got to the hospital. And I was o.k. but everyone’s faces were all o.m.g are you o.k.

I saw my family + friends all caring about me. They all said are you o.k. Zach’s family gave me cookies, but my sisters ate them all. I know that they didn’t want me to die. Though sometimes they want to hurt me they still love me.

Always wear a helmet for sports, and be careful. I could have gotten killed hundreds of times because of not wearing a helmet. But usally I never wear a helmet. my parents always yell at me for it. It doesn’t affect me very much.

I didn’t like getting hit with the bat (DUH). It didn’t hurt but blood was everywhere. Until I saw the blood all I wanted to do was hurt zach, so I could of lived whithout it.

As the beatles say all you need is love.

The end


      I believe that telling the truth is the better thing to do.
As I slowly cut my hair I knew that I could not tell my mom or she would never let this go easily. I knew that she would notice when I realized that I had cut it uneven. But when I told her surprisingly she let it go, and that’s probably the only time she will.
   Now I realize that telling the truth was the right thing to do after all. I was basically always scared of the mad side of my mom, and learned to never lie to your parents and always tell the truth. But I could always trust my mom with good advice. Lying is never going to make things easier in life.
   I have used this lesson in many ways since we were assigned it. It has been better for me because now I can tell the truth without getting in too much trouble, and when I don’t lie I get closer to getting a cell phone. Also I’m setting a better example for my younger brother. Not lying has been a awesome thing for me lately.
    I think writing this helped me learn a very valuable lesson, and I think that writing this has helped me overcome my fear of the bad side of my mom. This has helped me understand how other people feel when they lie. And now I’ve realized that it is a better idea to tell the truth instead of lie and suffer the consequence.
  Now I’ve learned to never lie again.

The time I made someone cry :(

I believe that life will give you family and friends that will be flexible when you need them to.

I was feeling scared when we arrived at my 5th grade conferences. I was remembering that Mr. madden would probably mention the bad event that happened before. I didn’t want to go into the room. My mom was pretty flexible, so after that I wasn’t worried about my punishment.

Why was it better to tell the truth? I’ll tell you why! There’s a time that you’ll learn not to lie. Don’t lie about a good day at school to your parents. When you lie about that only bad comes out of it NO good. I’ve never lied about anything since.

How did this event change my life? I’ll tell you how. This event actually improved my moms trust in me! She felt that this made me learn my lesson about lying, and it did. Since that taught me a lesson now I have a lot more privileges for example having a phone! Now I have a phone and don’t get into much trouble!

It kind of matters now. When you think about it we didn’t mean to make him cry. But I have a lot of feeling now, because now I learned a lesson. Since I feel for this event it does matter kind of. I’m so glad I learned my lesson.

NEVER think lying is ok because its not!!!!!

Dad Saves the Day

     I believe that life presents you with opportunities in which you can show compassion and “save the day” for someone else.
    My heart was racing and my pits were sweating as I realized that I was without my typing book, and class was about to begin.  I had missed the previous week of school and was working feverishly to complete all of my class work.  I was given permission to take the typing textbook home to work that evening but was given a stern warning that I was to return it the next day.  I feared Mrs. G my typing teacher.  She was by far the meanest teacher I had ever encountered, and I was shaking in my boots when I realized that I had left the book at home.  I was too scared to go to class to face the wrath of Mrs. G., so I did the only thing I could think of…. I ran to my dad’s classroom and begged him to retrieve the book for me.  He did the unthinkable.  He agreed to run home and get my typing book and then wrote me a pass to return to class. The day that my dad showed extraordinary compassion; he became a hero in my eyes.
    What I realize now is that I learned a very powerful lesson that day.  This lesson was far more influential than facing the natural consequences of forgetting my book.  I learned that sometimes when people fall they need YOU to help them back up.  When I first realized that I had forgotten the typing book I was panicked.  There were four minutes between classes, and I had just realized it before class.  I didn’t have much time to react, so I took to my natural instincts and ran to my dad for help. When he agreed to run home to get the book, still perched by our computer, he gave me the greatest gift… freedom from my shortcomings.  I didn’t feel joy knowing that my dad had to bail me out; I was simply relieved that I didn’t have to face Mrs. G. knowing that I had let her down.
    I have used this lesson to help mold the person I am today.  As a student, it made me more responsible.  I never forgot important things again.  I was always checking twice to make sure that I had what I needed in my backpack.  I also learned that there were benefits to going to the same school where my dad was a teacher.  Sometimes it was hard to have my dad at school with me.  I was in middle school, and I wanted the chance to grow and be who I wanted to be. I didn’t always want to be under the watchful eye of my dad and his colleagues. This led me to the discovery that every situation in life has a silver lining.  Sometimes you really have to look hard to find it, but in all things…. good exists!  It still amazes me that this one simple gesture shaped my life in the way that it did.
     When I look back at this event, I think about how it has changed the way I think about both parenting and teaching.  Most often I feel that both students and my own children need to learn from their own mistakes.  By learning from your mistakes, you are able to really think about the effects of your actions.  I also learned that there is a time and a place to offer grace.  There are situations where you need to just be there for your child or your student.  I can remember the FEAR I felt towards Mrs. G the typing teacher.  As a teacher, I want to make sure that no student ever experiences that.  This situation has reminded me that it is important for me to set boundaries and expectations as both a parent and teacher, but also realized that kids need to feel safe and loved.
    Each and everyday you have the chance to make a difference in someone’s day and potentially in someone’s life.  What will you do with the opportunity?

Posting on our Blog

How to Post a Piece of Writing on the Blog

Mrs. Wetzel’s Classroom Blog:

Step 1:

Step 2:  User Name:
             Password: student6

Step 3:  Click on New Post

Step 4:  Put the title of your essay

Step 5:  Paste your essay

Step 6:  Where it says “Labels for this post”  Type:  Your first name and last initial.

Step 7:  Click “Publish Post”

Question of the Week 11/2

If you could create a new candy bar, what would you name it and what would be inside of it?

Respond by clicking on the "comment" button and posting your idea.  Please leave your name by the comment- first name and last initial.  Please have a comment posted by Friday, 11/6 at 4:00pm.

Example: I would create a candy bar called the White Chocolate Delight.  Inside would be licorice- preferably Red Vine licorice- and it would be dipped in white chocolate.  The top would have rainbow sprinkles.  My mouth is watering!!  -Megan W.

Award Winning Books!

Hmmm... not sure what to read next?  Click on the website below to see a list of award winning books from around the country.  With so many to choose from, how will you ever pick?

Mrs. Wetzel